So...lately, I have been finding gray hairs in my head. I carefully pluck them out with the tweezers and the next day, I find more. It's an ongoing process. (thank heavens for dark brown hair dye) As I was arguing with my oldest boy yesterday about his homework, I realized where the gray hairs were coming from. He's turning into a teenager and it scares me to death!! He's getting sassy, more independent, smarter, cuter (he hates it when I say that), and I find us arguing alot. So as the argument continues about the math homework, I say to him..."Brey, come on... think... they couldn't make this math problem any easier for you." And then under his breath I hear him say, "yah they could...they could print the answer." A few seconds later, we both burst into laughter and I am thankful all over again for my role as a mom...gray hairs and all!!