Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Valentines Day Fun

I got these flowers from my Valentine...aren't they beautiful?!!

We spent Valentine's Day in Utah with my sister, Melissa, and my brother, Bret, and their families. It was fun for the little cousins to get together!!

Marlow, Bridger, Sophie, Branon and Nick took turns "fetching" the green ball while they pretended that they were puppies. Here they all are with my brother Bret.

My dad, the "goofball"
(no...those aren't his real glasses and teeth, THANK GOODNESS!!)

It was a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Little Tornado!

This is why we call her "The Little Tornado!"
She can turn a clean room, into THIS, in about 8.5 seconds.
(Notice Branon on the couch, totally oblivious to what is going on.)

At least she tried to clean up after herself!
( I am cringing as I look at the suckers stuck to the carpet!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

14 Years!

Yesterday we celebrated our anniversary...14 years!!! After a long day of running kids around, Kip surprised me with a candle lit bubble bath. That was soooo thoughtful of him and I was very surprised!! I have the most awesome hubby in the world!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gray hairs...

So...lately, I have been finding gray hairs in my head. I carefully pluck them out with the tweezers and the next day, I find more. It's an ongoing process. (thank heavens for dark brown hair dye) As I was arguing with my oldest boy yesterday about his homework, I realized where the gray hairs were coming from. He's turning into a teenager and it scares me to death!! He's getting sassy, more independent, smarter, cuter (he hates it when I say that), and I find us arguing alot. So as the argument continues about the math homework, I say to him..."Brey, come on... think... they couldn't make this math problem any easier for you." And then under his breath I hear him say, "yah they could...they could print the answer." A few seconds later, we both burst into laughter and I am thankful all over again for my role as a mom...gray hairs and all!!