I am backtracking just a little, since I have been slacking a bit on my blogging! Our August was crazy busy, so I thought I would blog about our happenings in August. We went to Utah one weekend with my sister Kandi and my niece Kamryn as one last "get away" before school started. We stayed in a hotel and let the kiddos swim, and the next day, attended a birthday party for my nephew Nick at Kangaroo Zoo.

My younger sister Melissa, met us at the hotel with her kids Mayli and Marlow. This is Mayli....she's adorable!!

Branon showing his "brotherly love!"

Brey and Kamryn...water ballet!

Bentlee, Kam, Branon & Brey (Bridger was with my brother)

Kip found this little kitty one morning at work. It was stuck under a newspaper machine outside of Taco Bandido. He had a bad leg, so I took him to the vet and he's doing GREAT! We named him Nacho......isn't that appropriate :)

While in Utah, at the Kangaroo Zoo birthday party, someone fell on Bentlee while jumping in a bounce house, and broke her arm. It was obvious that her arm was broken (it was bent the wrong way) so I scooped her up and we headed to Primary Children's Hospital. (Luckily my sis lives in Utah, and knows how to maneuver through the traffic quickly) After they did x-rays, and got Bentlee doped up, they had to re-set her arm. I couldn't watch...I had to stand in the hall. They splinted her arm, and sent us on our way. She was in a splint for about 10 days, and then she was able to get her LOVELY PINK cast!! She gets it off in about a week, I hope! It hasn't slowed her down a bit, and she tells EVERYONE about it!!

The kids entered some art work in our County Fair. They did GREAT! The older two get annoyed because Branon always places better than they do. He's a natural!! Brey and Bridg got 3rd place ribbons, and Branon got 2nd.
Kip's sister Tamie and her son Andrew came to visit from Washington for a week. We don't get to see them as often as we would like to, so it's always fun when they come for a visit.

Kip and his sis....aren't they cute!!
The boys just love Andrew!!